Saturday, June 28, 2008

A saD StoRy

This is a story about a girl who fell in love with her best friend.

Jin and I are bestfrens.. We do anything that bestfrens do... One day, i realised that i love him... So i decided to confess this feeling to him one night where we camped with other friends... He said yes, he would be my boyfriend..

So we went on like other couple's life does. Watch movie, walk in the park, eat together, go to beach.... but life's not fun as when we were still bestfrens.... He also does not talk much, or act like we are bestfriend, being close and sharing everything...

For me, he is not a suitable or a loving boyfriend ... but I kept quiet.. But since the day he became my boyfriend, he would give me a small teddy bear every single day... At first
i thought it was lovely, but till now, i wonder why he would give me this...

One day, i was walking alone at a park. Then i saw Jin talking to another girl. I walked towards him and I overheard him saying "i love u' to the girl. I was really angry and i ran home because Jin never told me he love me all the time we had been a couple.

Then, at midnight that day, he came over to my house and i opened the door. He just passed me the teddy bear that he used to give me everyday and said
" Sorry because i did not give you this today."

I was really angry and i shouted at him,
"Why are you always giving me this crap? All I want to hear from you is... "I love you" that's it, isit too hard???"

Jin kept quiet. He took my hand and placed the teddy bear on my palm and left.. I threw the teddy bear into my cupboard.

The next day, Jin asked me out. We meet at bus stop near my house.. I walked there and then he just gave me a big teddy bear. My anger was still in high position, and i threw the teddy to the middle of the road. He kept quiet and then he went to the middle of the road and picked the teddy up. He did not realize a truck was coming towards him. I shouted at him not to pick it up and he was about look at me, and...........................


"JIN!!!!!!" I shouted...
the next minute he was lying on the road, covered with blood. He was sent to the hospital but it was too late... i had lost him...forever....

After attending his funeral, i went back home and I hugged all the teddy bear he had given me since the day we became a couple... i counted the teddy bears one by one...

1...2....3...101...230....300..364...and the last teddy bear that he gave, which was covered with his blood, was the 365th... it had been a year since we became couple... i squeezed the teddy bear with my tears flowing ....


*I love you~*
*I love you~*
*I love you~*

I was shocked.. i looked at the teddies... and I took one of it, and tried pressing his tummy..

*I love you~*
*I love you~*

I tried each and every teddy bear he had given me...

*I love you~*
*I love you~*
*I love you~*
*I love you~*
*I love you~*
*I love you~*......................

And the biggest and the last teddy bear Jin gave me, I squeezed his big tummy...

*felicia, today is our very first anniversary being a couple after a year... i'll always love you, yesterday, today, and forever........ I love you....*

I dropped the teddy bear........ I never realised that Jin had actually told me those words.. every single day.... till today...

I slowly picked the teddy and i whispered to the teddy's ear..

"i love you too, Jin..and i always did........"

For the guys/gals that you loved
Tell them "i'll love you more than i could ".... i'll care about you more than i'm caring about myself.

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